It's a good time to look back on my life. As with all superheroes I have an origin story, but mine's not a myth though. I didn't get bestowed special powers but I was gifted a new family and home, a safe place to rest, play, eat, poop, and retire. My main job is to look cute and follow people around, especially Godpa, who calls me 跟屁虫.
My previous life and identity is a blur (sounds like the start of a good story) with the earliest records found here. I had the most feminine of names: "Ger Ger" (girl girl) perhaps because I was underweight and looked petite. Godpa recalls I could even be stashed away under a shirt. That'll be impossible today with my hefty weight.

The first few years was both exciting and challenging as we had to adapt to each other. I was given a proper "education" as with all young ones in Singapore. We all attended obedience classes where Godpa and Uncle Leon learnt how to treat dogs properly. I think we were all over-aged students as I was probably 3 years old then in 2008.

Memories of my past are vague but Godpa guessed I may have had Adverse Puppyhood Experiences (for humans they call it ACE) that inhibit my socialization with other doggies. When meeting dogs I either go into fight mode, barking away new friends, or flight mode, turning my back to them. When I got frantic I even nipped at Godpa.

Fortunately their patience paid off and I'm much more confident now. I've made new friends in the estate and we often do the doggy routine of sniffing each other out (but not too long). Godpa thinks I've a boyfriend, a very stable beagle who is very chill and whom I love to approach on my own and offer nose-nose intimacy.
I think I'm too old for puppy-love now coz I'm probably 15 years old, an old dame. My health is good but with aging, eyesight isn't as good (cataract) and I'm getting wrinkles and pimples. I know Godpa will look after me, seeing how he did his best for his father, whom I miss too as he used to puppy-sit me when Godpa goes to work.
Wishing all a beautiful life.
May you feel at home whereever you are.